Since 2019, Afvalzorg has been part of the Partners in Business Indonesia group, with the aim of initiating waste-related business activities in Indonesia. In collaboration with the Dutch company Multriwell, Afvalzorg is actively developing landfill gas projects to finance the sustainable closure of landfill sites and facilitate the transition to sanitary landfilling.

Lack of funding

Most Indonesian landfill owners lack the necessary funding to properly close landfill sites after they have reached maximum capacity. Consequently, these landfill sites or open dumps release significant amounts of leachate and landfill gas into the environment, posing health and safety risks to nearby communities and endangering local flora and fauna.

The solution

Afvalzorg and Multriwell contribute the expertise and technology needed to close these landfills in a sustainable manner. Installing the patented Multriwell landfill recovery system and applying an impermeable top cover effectively reduces leachate and gas emissions to zero. This approach also eliminates the risk of landfill fires and transforms the site into a useful landscape suitable for recreational purposes, business activities, renewable energy production, and more.

Project financing via CO2 credits

These landfill closure projects are financed through carbon credits generated from landfill gas recovery and treatment/utilisation. We are currently developing projects for landfill sites in Bali, Medan, and Bandung. Together with local Indonesian partners such as SDLi and ADUPI, we are working hard to realise these projects so that they can serve as models for other landfills in Indonesia and beyond.

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