For 2020 Deba Bailarako Industrialdea, S.A. commissioned Afvalzorg the contract to continue landfill gas management in Elgoibar, Spain. The past years Afvalzorg already considered solution options and managed a landfill gas recovery system.
The closed landfill site Urruzuno in Elgoibar is a special location. After constructing an industrial bussines area on top of the landfill, it was discovered that the impermeable top cover system installed at the site was not properly working. This has led to risky situations in the past due to the accumulation of landfill gas underneath the business premises. As a result of a landfill gas related fire in one of the business premises, Afvalzorg mapped out the situation in 2013, considered solution options and ultimately designed and managed a landfill gas recovery system.
Through installation of the landfill gas recovery system, plus some additional measures, the risks related to landfill gas migration and accumulation have been significantly reduced and CH4 levels beneath the floors of the building affected were reduced to less than 10 ppm. Of course, this recovery system requires meticulous management. As in previous years, we have been proudly awarded the contract for management and maintenance of the system in 2020.